Sunday, August 15, 2010

Ava's 10th Bday (Feb 10)

A gaggle of gifts and a trip to NYC to celebrate my 10 years on the planet! So cool!

Cousins for Christmas (Dec 09)

Christmas, cousins, snow and NYC. It doesn't get much better than that. Were they the coldest days of winter while we were there? Yes! Did we still have the best time ever? YESSSSSS!

Finally get to celebrate my 7th Birthday! (Dec 09)

After canceling my first party because of a snowstorm, I finally got to celebrate with my friends!

Hunters Run Farm Banquet (Dec 09)

First year of showing...came away with a Reserve Grand Champion and a Best Sportsmanship prize!

The snow that dreams are made of (Dec 09)

Over 44 inches! Woo-hooooooo!!!!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

7 is the new black

Marlena turned 7 in December. Apparently, it is a very cool age. Witness...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas Tree Farm

This year we went to Coleman's Christmas Tree Farm and picked out a tree to cut (support our local farmers!). We found out that all four of us have different opinions about what makes a good tree! We eventually agreed on one after we walked the entire farm!

Second piano recital

Ava composed her own song for her second recital. Waiting to figure out how to get it under 100 megs so I can post it to the blog. Stay tuned!

Ava loves Fonzi

Last horse show of the season and the best performance! One Grand Champion ribbon and two Reserve Grand Champion ribbons...oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are thankful...

...that Lola came to stay with us for Thanksgiving. We love her so much! She is just the best!

Cinderella, Audrey Hepburn, Jess from the Veronicas and Roller Derby Girl

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ava's 3rd Horse Show

Nothing can stop her - she's on fire! Two first places and two second places in her division led to a Grand Champion ribbon at the end of the day. Well deserved!

Gymnastics fever!

Marlena has joined the developmental team at her gym and is now training for TOP's testing. Here are some of her best moves! Go Marlena!

Rosey's summer

We thought after a three day motor home trip with the most excellent behavior possible, the least we could for Rosey would be to allow her to enjoy her favorite pasttime every other day.

Lovin' the cousins

The Awitan summer would not be complete without a meeting of the smallest of the Awitan clan down in Austin, Texas. We love us some good cousins and some good Mexican food!!!

Grandmom and Pop

What more can we say??? They are simply the best!


There are not many things better than hanging at the grandparents house on those lazy summer days! Motor homes, ponds, paddleboats, sprinklers and sand piles. Delicious!